Online Backup

Professional Online Backup
With High Security Encryption!
Rusty Gigabyte’s online backup service allows you to automatically backup all the data for your entire company while letting our certified technicians manage it all for you.
Although this is a “business class” service, we also have very reasonable price points that allow us to offer service to individuals and home users as well.
Online Backup Features and Benefits
Secure Data Protection

All user accounts are protected by passwords. In addition, data will be compressed and 256-bit encrypted with an encryption key selected by the user on the client-side before being uploaded and stored on the backup server. The key will never be uploaded to the backup server during backup. Moreover, uploading of backup data can be done through secure SSL channel. This whole mechanism provides exceptional security to the backed up data.
Support Common Databases

Unlike with other software, you do not have to purchase additional backup modules one-by-one. Our Online Backup service comes with all backup modules needed to upport Microsoft Exchange Server mail-level backup, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Sharepoint, Oracle, MySQL, Lotus Domino/Notes, etc., thus making it the best value-for-money of any backup software available on the market.
Replication for Added Protection
The replication application of Rusty Gigabyte’s Backup offers an additional level of data protection. Through this application, the data of the backup server can be replicated to another server located away from the primary backup server. In case the backup server fails, backup data is still available in the replication server. Moreover, the replication server can take up the role of the failed backup server and continue to provide backup service to all backup users.
Fast Backup Speed

Our seed load feature allows backing up of a large volume data to a local storage device during the first backup job. With our proprietary In-File Delta technology, the original file is required to be backed up once only, i.e. in the first backup job. Thereafter, only the changes within the file made since the previous backup need to be backed up. With these two features, backing up a large volume of data can be completed in a very short period of time.
Comprehensive Backup Reports

Rusty Gigabyte’s Servers will automatically notify every backup user about the backup status after a scheduled backup. The user will know if the backup is successful, with errors or warnings, etc. It also proactively informs the system administrator of any error that occurred on the backup server through a comprehensive administrator report. System log files are also available on the web management console for easy trouble shooting.